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In this compare and contrast essay i will be comparing two poems which are the Daffodils by William Wordsworth and to Daffodils by Robert Herrick. Both deal with the subject matter of daffodils. Wordsworth poem was written in 1804 in the romantic era. However Robert Herrick’s poem was written in 1591-1627 in the realistic era. The effect that the flowers have on the poem is completely different to each other.

To daffodils written by Robert Herrick is about Robert Herrick describing the shortness of life and using nature to describe the shortness. ”We die as hours do, and dry away”. In comparison to The Daffodils written by William Wordsworth and it is about enjoying nature and simple things in life. . They use personification to connect them to a life of a human wordsworth he walked into the woods lonley and isolated and discovered how wonderful the nature is.

To daffodils by Robert Herrick is written in the form of first person plural and the effect it has on us is that so it makes the reader think that the actor and the human talks to people. Likewise in The Daffodils by William Wordsworth his poem is written in first person singular. The effect of William Wordsworths poem has on me is that the he shows me that he is thinking on nature and only needs the simple things in life.

In these poems there were some similies which also have an effect on us. The similes in To Daffodils are ”like the summer’s rain” or ”as the pearls of morning’s dew”. The effect that these similes have on us are depressing because in the summer it should be warm, beautiful and a bright wide baby blue sky. But instead it is raining and when its raining it's ugly weather and kind of gray. Similarly in The Daffodils by William Wordsworth i found a simil...

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...ert Herrick’s poem is depressing however William Wordworths poem is sad and isolated but in the end he is happy. On the other hand the mood of Robert Herrick’s poem is heartbroken because he doesn’t have a daffodil so it also makes the reader kind of sad. However the mood of William Wordworths poem is first painful but towars the end it is joyous and it makes the reader feel good that the writter is not sad.

Firstly the overall message of Robert Herrick’s poem is that everything come sto and end. Whereas in William wordsworth poem the overall message is to enjoy nature and simple things in life. To summarize i found both poems enjoyable. I found To Daffodils enjoyable because i liked the rhymes and the flow of the poem. Likewise i found The Daffodils as enjoyable because it has alot of similies, personification and metaphors and thats what makes a poem intresting.

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