physical health

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Good physical health in both children and youth is important for their all round well-being and is a big factor for their later stages of life, as it sets up boundaries and is the creates building blocks for future health, also very important for their development. Physical health is impacted significantly by other aspects of well-being, such as social, mental and emotional wellbeing. So to ensure a good maintained physical health, one has to also maintain a strong state of well-being in generally all aspects. Physical health can easily be manipulated by numerous factors, such as growing up, going through puberty, behavioural changes and sense of influences. As a child physical health is important, as it is a time to develop healthy habits, building healthy bones and muscles. But as one grows up, their behaviour shifts from the actions from their parents to the pressure of those around them, such as peer pressure. Video games become interesting, technology is included into their life and the time of playing outside is now a distant memory. On top of their behavioural shifts, the onset and presence of puberty largely influences the actions taken, creating a new set of health risks and activities that are life threatening are now becoming exciting and the chances of injury, especially in young men is sky rocketing due to the presence of adolescence and peer pressure. And by teenage years sexually contracted diseases are now increasing as sexual interactions are becoming fascinating. Due to aging and puberty, influences on physical health and the attention of importance towards the matter are decreased; physical health isn’t to the extent that is expected. Physical health is impacted upon very easily, and is done so without much noti...

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...tead of driving. Not only does the crossing-help help around the school time, it also helps encourage the parents and students to walk around the neighbourhood and feel safe to cross roads to recreation/parks etc., again instead of driving. SUPPORT RESEARCH:

Walk to school day / ride to school day at least once a fortnight where children are encouraged to ride or walk to school on a certain day, with a reward chart at the end of the term depending on the amount of times they participate.

Walking school bus: Mother/s walk a group of students that live within their housing community to school, creates safe barriers and allows the students, as well as mothers, to join physical activity into their daily routine, instead of driving or catching the bus. Without having to take out different activities during the day to be able to fulfill a certain amount of exercise.

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