personal statement

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Soaked under sweat, I stood on the running machine, took a deep breath, and counted in my mind, one…two… three, GO! With renewed power and confidence, I started to run again with satisfaction. This moment happened every day in last summer at a gym and I lost 62pounds. Had persisted for five months, I am so proud of myself that I am able to achieve the goal of losing weight and established high self-discipline. In addition, I have gained great appreciation for the challenges. However, I also have grown up from this, on the other hand, frustrated experience. Not because the process of losing weight was painful, but because my by-product of the weight loss journey, my online team. At the beginning of the journey, I used an unhealthy way -- Only eating apples for 14 days was my first “strategy” to quick lose weight. Despite I lost 12 pounds of the first two weeks, I could not concentrate and feel depressed. Yet after returning normal diet, my weight rebounded. I hated myself why ate so much before and why I have the gene that gains weight perhaps even if I only drink water. After a few days, I realized that only keeps a diet is not efficient, I have to work out in order to burn more calories. I found a front desk position in a gym, hence I could work out as free after my work. Realizing the process would be tough if I do it alone, I started a post of a BBS in order to attract a group of people. I shared how at first that I used unhealthy way frustrated me, and how much weight I had been lost since I try eating healthier and work out more; I want to continue this method and find some friends getting each other’s back. With the same determination, a group of 20 people was established. As the leader of the group, I asked everyone to sha... ... middle of paper ... ...acted by popular. Furthermore, I was supposed to think more comprehensively, for example, I did not have backup plans about the how I can pay the trainer if I did not collect enough money, or forget there is no intellectual property about my videos online. However, although this experience seemed to be a failure, I do really appreciate it. It proved so many strengths of me. My persistency, high self-discipline and achieved goal of weight loss mirror my attitude about study; my group reflects that I am creative, and I am an activator whenever I see the chance. My responsibilities of improving my group quality and return their money. Despite I failed, I have an open mind to accept the truth and learn from my past. I want to improve myself in Carlson, learn to be more confident and armed myself with solid knowledge and applied business method, and achieve my dream.

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