medically compromised patients

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The dental practice nowadays is completely different how it was long time ago , this difference is because of the different type of disease that we are facing now in the dental practice and also for the different types of treatments that they found for the different medical problems .
Because of the increasing number of the elderly patients that are attending to the dental clinics seeking for dental treatment , is very important to know if they have any medical problem or no , because usually at their age these old patient presents with chronic medical problems , and here we are talking about heart diseases , hypertension , diabetic problems .
The key of successful of the treatment for these types of patients is to make a good diagnosis and evaluation for the case and to check the risk which is followed by doing this type of the dental treatment and if it worth it or not .
The evaluation for these types of patients is by doing a good review of the medical history and here we must ask about the history of the disease and when it started and if the patient is taking medications or no . something very important in these types of patients is to call the physician that is attending him and to check the medical status of the patient and to see if the patient can hold a dental treatment or will lead him for a life threating condition .

For having the medical history of the patient we have tow forms for doing that , the first one is by asking the patient questions if he has diseases or even if he is taking drugs , the other way is by having questionnaire and ask the patient to fill it out , and when the patient is done by this way if the dentist will notice that the patient has a medical condition a s...

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...can detect many undiagnosed cases of hypertension.
Hypertension is general treated using one of several different classes of drugs. Calcium channel blockers, beta blockers, and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. The use of one or several classes of these medications is usually sufficient to stem the unwanted rise in blood pressure levels.
The American Heart Association produced a chart in 2011 relating to the normal levels of blood pressure. They listed normal as <120/<80, prehypertension as 120-139/80-89, stage 1 hypertension as 140-159/90-95, and stage 2 as >160/>100. If a patient presents with a blood pressure of 160 or greater over 100 or greater, then immediate medical attention is necessary. Those patients can end up in life threatening medical emergencies (hemorrhage, organ failure) in the dental chair if proper screening and care are not provided.

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