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Geology is the study of the earth’s surfaces that inform us about the earth’s part. One feature that geologists use to date rocks is by using a geologic time. This consists of using fossils and type of rocks to help date the earth’s surface. The Page Museum in the La Brea pits is one of the places that is known for the history and the findings from the tar pits.
The La Brea Tar Pits is significant to the study of geology. The fossils found in the tar assist geologist to date rocks and the earth’s surface. At the la Brea tar pits, the fossils founds are mostly creatures from the Ice Age. This is because the tar pits formed after the dinosaurs’ age. The dinosaurs died 65 million years ago before the tar pits surfaced the land. Some of the pits in this area are carbon dated from 34- 42,000 years ago. Tar pits are asphalt pit where asphalt from the ground leaks to the surface. Tar is not hot and it bubbles when bubble of methane rises from the tar. When fishing out bones, they do not look in liquid asphalts. The bones that were discovered were from saber toothed cats, dire wolves, eag...

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