com essays

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The proposition “Perception is reality” is a statement that is entirely false. People are more likely to only see what they believe is right. In Scripture the phrase they did what was right in their own eyes that is the same as it is in reality. People only want to believe what will make them feel better or goes along with they believe is the right course of action. When two people get into an argument they only view ideas or problems through what they view is right. However, there are universals that stand the test of time. People may view the rest of their lives through their own perception, but when it comes to certain morals we all see the same thing.
When we only look through our own perception we are more likely to be more ignorant of facts and ideas that go against what they believe is true. When you look through your perception it creates your own reality but it forces actual reality to take a back seat to the one that you have created. Perception makes society more ignorant of our fellow man because we are willing to ignore people and their opinion because it contradicts what we believe is reality even though it may not be reality.

2. The proposition that “Words don’t mean things, People mean things” is absolutely true. If you get into an argument with somebody and apologize, your words you say that you are sorry, but if your body language and intentions say no then you are not sorry. This is a matter of the heart because a person can say a statement but not mean it in his heart. When we are in a difficult situation the words we say will not matter on the final product, but what will matter is how we react to a situation. Many of the communication cues will come from the body language that we give off while we ...

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...hemselves. However, in America today there is a problem of never getting out on your own, experiencing failure, success, or difficult situation without being able to handle them.
III. Satisfaction
a. Prospective college students should look at a university that is farther than 100 miles away from home
IV. Visualization
a. Imagine that once a person leaves the universities and colleges that they have the skill sets to manage difficult situations. They will understand that they are responsible for their actions and nobody else is. Imagine a society that is self-reliant because they have experienced living on their own.
V. Actions
a. If you believe in this lobby universities and education organizations to make it easy for students to go far distances from home. Second, encourage them to study the benefits of going far distances away from home to get an education.

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