assignment 1

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America has evolved over the centuries, from a British colony to an international powerhouse. At one point, the U.S was considered the greatest country in the world. America always found solutions to problems, and tried to help make peace throughout the world, but now that is up to debate. Why? The answer is simple, the government. The dishonesty and bad decisions have resulted in America’s title as a superpower to waver. The government is a growing problem that may lead to the demise of America by negatively affecting political, social, and economic issues in the country. A growing problem in America is its politics. Throughout history, with the formation of political parties the nation has become more divided, and has resulted in many gridlocks. How can a nation be successful when it is not even in accordance with each other? It can’t, hence, the reason why America is slowly losing its power and is starting to crumble. Recently, there was a gridlock on how the government should spend the nation’s budget. While the government shutdown was in session, many people could not work and did not get paid. Yet, Congress still got paid even though, they weren’t working. The injustices that lie in politics relate to an aristocracy. Less people trust the government because of all the disagreements and deceptions they are fed by politicians. Candidates running for political office positions always feed its citizens lies, and never accomplish the promises they make. This leads cynicism and a lower voter turnout. With less people going to vote, the wealthy and corrupt are taking the office positions and making the nation benefit themselves, rather than its citizens. If America’s own citizens don’t even trust the government, how do they expect... ... middle of paper ... ...but it is also taking away the jobs of many Americans. Not many goods are made in America today; this is affecting the trade with other countries, which affects the economy. Every decision the government chooses to make with the countries budget, helps reflect how the economy is doing. The government will never be perfect, but there are always ways to improve it. The government that exists today in America is becoming more fascist every day. The government is in control of everything: political, social, and economic issues No one should ever trust a system in which throughout history has stolen land from the natives and have taken part in genocide. The United States has become a place full of corporate greed and profit. Profit over people, profit over lives, profit over morals. The government is the host to capitalism, which only leads to conformist enslavement.

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