Zulily Research Paper

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The company Zulily is showing the world that kindess is not dead and that there are still some good companies out there. US News shared a story today about how a woman tried to return a coat to Zulily. It did not work for her and she wanted to get a refund on the coat. A woman named Kelly Blue Kinkel shared a story about what happened when she called Zulily about returning this jacket. Just made my 1st @zulily purchase this week. Loving them even more after this story! https://t.co/YCoe2oLu00 — adrienne sender (@AdrienneSender) January 14, 2016 Kelly shared that she wanted her Zulily post to go viral because she was so impressed with them. She ordered a coat and realized that it wouldn't work with the dogs they have because of her dog's course hair. It just wouldn't work and she wanted to return the coat. Zulily took her call where she asked Zulily what to do about returning it to them. Zulily gave her money back right away with no problems, but …show more content…

If you know someone who needs a winter coat or if you would like to donate it to a charity, that would make us very happy." I honestly thought he was kidding. It took me a moment to realize he was completely serious, and then came the tears. I just don't know other companies that do this, do you? I thought Zulily was pretty incredible before, but after today, I'm a customer for LIFE. The world needs more LOVE like that. Honest business. Honest ethics. How refreshing!" The way that Zulily handled this is something that everyone is talking about tonight. Zulily did something that will help them to keep Kelly as a customer for life, but will also help them to get new customers as well. Her post on Facebook is going crazy with comments from people who have a similar story about Zulily or are talking about how much they love the the company Zulily. Star Wars coaster set on sale at @zulily - https://t.co/9uQTN9mhyQ

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