Fort Worth Zoo Observation

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For my observation I chose to go to the Fort Worth Zoo on October 16th. I was excited to get to go to the zoo as part of a school project. It was a great way to see what we had been learning in person. I got to see how the primates moved and interacted with each other and compare them to human movement and interactions. I first located the Pan Panisus, also known as the bonobo or pygmy chimpanzees. When I visited there were only two adults. I was surprised on how big they where. I have seen them in pictures and on television, however their size was still impressive. One bonobo was asleep off in the corner and the other was near the center grooming his own arms and legs. I was able to observe him for a few minutes until he noticed me. At that point, he walked away using both his feet and the knuckles on his hands to move to a new spot and turned his back to me and sat down. There he continued grooming and I moved on looking for they next primate on my list. Next, I located Nomocsus Siki from the genus Hylobitdea. Their common name is white-cheek gibbon. There were three adult white-cheeked gibbons, one with a black coat and two with …show more content…

Here I found the lemur catta or ring tailed lemur of Madagascar. Here I found a group of three lemurs gathered all in one spot that looked like they were sleeping. Another walked over on to the rest using both its hands and feet. However, the lemur walked different than other primates. Instead of using his knuckles to walk the lemur used an open hand and walked on the palm of the hands. That same lemur, once sited in the middle, began to groom himself. It reminded me of watching a cat, the lemur would like its hands, then would place his hand at the top of his head and work his way to the end of his nose. He did this several time using both hands. All the lemurs where adult and seemed to be social because they were able to sleep comfortable in close

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