Zofran Research Paper

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New research has shown that Zofran, which is an anti-nausea medication, can increase the risk of birth defects. It is often prescribed to pregnant women who are suffering from morning sickness. However, the risk of birth defects is not mentioned on the drug's warning label. That is why many people have filed lawsuits.

Studies Have Shown That Zofran Can Cause The Following Lawsuits:

*Heart Defects
*Kidney Defects
*Poor Fetal Growth
*Cleft Palate and Cleft Palate
*Fetal Death


Zofran was first approved in 1991. It was designed to treat vomiting and nausea in patients receiving chemotherapy or surgery. Zofran was not approved for pregnant women, but it is sometimes prescribed to treat morning sickness. It is available in the form of a liquid or tablet. …show more content…

In 2012, the company settled a lawsuit that alleged the company had promoted Zofran to pregnant women despite the fact that the drug was not approved for them. The lawsuit also alleged that GlaxoSmithKline paid doctors to prescribe the drug.

Zofran Use In Pregnant And Breastfeeding Women

Zofran has received a Pregnancy Category B Classification from The Food And Drug Administration. This means that animal studies have not proven there is a risk to the fetus. It also means that there have not been any well-controlled, adequate studies performed on pregnant women. However, new studies have shown that Zofran can cause serious harm to the fetus.

There have not been any studies done on humans to examine the effect that Zofran has on breastfeeding. However, rat studies have shown that metabolites of the drug are excreted in breast milk. That is why doctors should exercise caution when prescribing Zofran to nursing women.

Pregnancy Studies

New studies have raised questions about the safety of Zofran. It can increase birth defects when it is used during the first trimester. This is usually the time when morning sickness is the

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