Zero Tolerance Policing

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There are three styles of policing that law enforcement from around the world used to combat crimes. The three styles of policing are community policing, zero-tolerance policing, and proactive policing. Community policing are programs that represent collaborative efforts between the police and the public to identify crime problems and then find solutions (Russell, Ashley, Lecture 8). One of the countries that utilizes community policing is Japan. Zero-Tolerance policing is a type of policing that imposes harsh sentences on minor criminal offenses, that in theory will prevent future offenders committing a crime. In the United States zero-tolerance policing is synonymous with a criminology theory called the Broken Window theory. The last style of policing is proactive policing which was developed in New York uses a method called CompStat that Enable police to identity trouble spots and target appropriate resources fighting crimes (Lecture 8). Of all …show more content…

As a matter of fact, research shows “lack of empirical evidence to support its high acclaim” (Lecture 8) and “can lead to over criminalization and over institutionalization” (Lecture 8). But the number one problem with zero-tolerance is that zero-tolerance is “integrated into political and ideological project” (Shahidullah’s 239) politics shouldn’t play a role into crime control because politics only look at crime from one angle and not the other. For example, in England they establish get tough laws under the zero-tolerance policing which did help lower crime rate, but like the United States and Canada “raise in the prison population” (245). Proactive Policing to me is a very effective and modern way of policing using statistics, interviews, informants, etc. The only drawback for some people is that proactive policing invades privacy which some consider is against the

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