Zero Tolerance

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Schools need to maintain a disciplined and safe learning environment. There are many disciplinary actions that are in use today and although some can disagree about the amount of discipline that is best for maturing children, it is reasonable to be in agreement that a positive learning environment begins with physical and emotional safety. School safety includes a broad range of matters, including, fighting, bullying, drugs, alcohol, weapons, and etc. Many schools use varying methods in an effort to maintain school safety. Some schools limit school access and require all visitors to sign in. Physical surveillance is another common method of addressing school safety issues along with use of staff and student identification. Among all these safety measures, zero tolerance must be the most widely used and most controversial policy that has come into effect and zero tolerance policies in America's public school system have proven effective. Even though there is no exclusive and official definition of zero tolerance, the term in public schools simply means all misbehavior will have some consequence. This leaves very little room for error and the disciplinary message to the students is clear. However, the goal is not to punish children severely and remove good students from school. Zero tolerance policies are actually intended to discourage disorderly behavior with the application of severe and certain punishment. This may create loss of educational opportunity for some but zero tolerance policies share the common basic goals of any disciplinary policy. There should be no doubt that zero tolerance policies work best when they are utilized as preventative measures therefore the best strategy may be to take other proactive steps along wi... ... middle of paper ... ...Back From Zero Tolerance." Educational Leadership 69.1 (2011): 24. Web. 18 Apr. 2012. Julian C. Smit, et al. "Development of the Student Attitudes Toward School Safety Measures (SATSSM) Instrument." Journal of School Health 72.3 (2002): 107. Web. 16 Apr. 2012. Pelliccioni, Christopher D. "Is Intent Required? Zero Tolerance, Scienter, and the Substantive Due Process Rights of Students." Case Western Reserve Law Review 53.4 (2003): 977. Web. 15 Apr. 2012. Schoonover, Brian. Zero Tolerance Discipline Policies - The History, Implementation, and Controversy of Zero Tolerance Policies in Student Codes of Conduct. Bloomington: iUniverse, 2009. 58. Print. Skiba, Russell J. "Are Zero Tolerance Policies Effective in the Schools?: An Evidentiary Review and Recommendations." American Psychologist 63.9 (2008): 852-862. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Apr. 2012.

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