Zelda And Daisy In The Great Gatsby

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In the book the Great Gatsby there are many differences and similarities between Zelda and Daisy. For similarities, Zelda and Daisy are both get affair with another man even if they both have their own husbands. Also, they both have attractive appearance and popular among their societies. At last, they born in South under wealthy and famous family and have same hope for their daughter. While there are similarities between Zelda and Daisy, there are also some differences exist between them. To be specific, Zelda became poor through the wedding with Fitzgerald while Daisy getting richer through the wedding with Tom. To be specific for the similarities, first, Daisy and Zelda both get affair. In the Great Gatsby, Daisy …show more content…

First, money and wealthy cannot buy love and friendship. In the Great Gatsby, Gatsby is rich, famous and wealthy man. So he makes huge and big party and let people come who wants to come. Therefore, there are always many people besides Gatsby. But, when he murdered by Wilson, only two people are coming to his funeral. According to the Great Gatsby, Nick said “Nobody came”(Fitzgerald 174). But after that, Nick said “I heard a car stop and then the sound of someone splashing after us over the soggy ground. I looked around. It was the man with owl-eyed glasses whom I had found marvelling over Gatsby’s books in the library one night three months before.”(Fitzgerald 174). In other words, there are only Nick and owl-eyed coming for Gatsby’s funeral. Through this, readers can estimate that Gatsby is a lonely and poor person, even though he is rich and always surrounded by people in the party. Also it states that friendship cannot bought by money. In otherwise, Gatsby works hard to earn money because Daisy is already wealthy and rich. He thinks he needs to be rich and famous as Daisy does. But even after Gatsby got much money and famous as Daisy, Daisy runs away with her family after Gatsby’s dead. According to the article “On possessions and character in the Great Gatsby”, “he dies protecting her by his silence.”(Donaldson 9), readers can estimate that Gatsby is dead because of Daisy’s …show more content…

In the Great Gatsby, Tom and Daisy are both invited to the Gatsby’s huge party. And after the party, Gatsby tells to Nick that “I’m going to fix everything just the way it was before”(Fitzgerald 110). Through this, readers can estimate that Gatsby is still in the past and tried to make all things as same as the past. Also, Gatsby still loves Daisy and want her to love a smuch as he does. According to the “On possession and character in the Great Gatsby”, “Part of Gatsby's dream is to turn back the clock and marry Daisy in a conventional wedding”(Donaldson 8), But she already gets marriage with Tom. Therefore, Gatsby wants Daisy to tell to Tom that “I never loved you”(Fitzgerald 109). It states that he wants to bring back Daisy as before as she gets marriage, and wants her to marry with him. Furthermore, it states that Gatsby wants Daisy to break up with Tom and make her as same as before she gets marriage. When Nick tells Gatsby that you cannot repeat the past, Gatsby gets angry and tells to Nick that he can repeat the past and also can make Daisy to love him as past as she does. But readers, Nick, and Fitzgerald know that repeat the past is hard thing. Especially in Fitzgerald’s shoes, Fitzgerald has drastic time after Zelda’s affair. And he also misses his past, before Zelda gets affair, as Gatsby does. Through this, readers can estimate that Gatsby reflect

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