Zebra's Freedom: A Short Story

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Zebra, in the very beginning was happy, free, and had no hinders holding him back. He didn’t have any injuries and he could run. But then his freedom, his running, betrayed him. He didn’t know injury and hurting until it happened. When he got hit by a car. After his incident, Zebra lossed his freedom, his innocence to pain, and his happiness. All those emotions are replaced by sadness and fear. The Sadness of his passion, running, taken away from him. Zebra fears that he will never be able to use his hand and arm again. Zebras, roam the grasses running around nothing to hold them back, and that's why they called him Zebra. But now since his hand and leg got injured, the name means nothing but a take off his own last name. Then Zebra meets

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