Zebra Mussels Research Paper

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The little things that aren’t relevant enough at the time are the ones that usually hurt us. Zebra mussels affect our economy, health and agriculture in many ways and all we can do is watch. It can happen in a matter of days and develop into a traumatizing sequence of events for not only a small region, but a whole country.
The luxurious Great Lakes ecosystem has been severely damaged by more than 180 invasive and non-native species. According to Felix Martinez, species such as zebra mussels, quagga mussels, round goby, sea lamprey, and alewife reproduce and spread, ultimately degrading habitat, out-competing native species, and shorting the food webs (Great Lakes Region 2). “Zebra mussels are small, fingernail-sized animals that attach to …show more content…

Zebra mussels were introduced to the Great Lakes in 1988 and have created havoc from there. Adult zebra mussels can live out of water which allows them to spread from one body of water to another (Zebra Mussels 4). They issue an ideal problem because they can threaten human health and hurt the Great Lakes economy by damaging critical industries such as fisheries, agriculture, and tourism. For example, they can attach to boat motors and boat hulls, reducing performance and efficiency (Zebra Mussel 2). They have a negative impact on humans too. These mussels are trained to latch onto rocks, swim rafts and ladders where any swimmer can cut their feet from the mussels hard shells. Zebra mussels clog irrigation intakes and other pipes which affect the agricultural aspect of their cycle as well. Zebra mussels wreak havoc on ecosystems because they consume huge amounts of phytoplankton, like algae, effectively starving populations of native fish and other water wildlife. But now, because of the zebra mussel, the amount of plankton in the lakes has been significantly cut, so the marine population (which feeds on plankton) is pretty much gone in Lake Huron, and it is falling very rapidly in Lake Michigan (Kirk Haverkamp 7). President of the Alliance for …show more content…

Yes, it only takes is a few simple ways to help prevent the growth of these invasive monsters. Zebra mussels attach to anything they can, including; boats, docks, nets, swim platforms, even aquatic plants. Boat owners in infected areas need to clean weeds and debris from their boats, and remove any attached mussels. Zebra mussels attach to these boats in which they are carried wherever the boat goes, allowing them to spread their population. The next step of the cause is to drain the boat while traveling. Keep all drain plugs out while traveling because it’s illegal and dispose any unwanted bait which can lure the mussels. Lastly boat owners should dry docks, lifts, swim rafts and other equipment at least 21 days before placing the equipment into another body of water. Other agencies such as the NOAA(National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration) are committed to developing models and strategies to combat invasive species in a proactive and cost-effective manner (Felix Martinez 2). They are doing project start ups to help create up-to-date critical information needed by decision makers in evaluating potential rapid response actions to help contain these mussels. Once contained and gathered in bunches the NOAA plans to get rid of the zebra species, but they aren't quite sure how yet. Nobody really knows and that's the problem, but if citizens followed the clean, drain, dispose and dry procedures, it would help the NOAA contain these mussels

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