Zan Motors Case Study

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Introduction Creating a strong path of action, that includes all steps necessary for research to be insightful and applicable, takes a lot of planning and consideration. The research case discussed in this paper will expound on steps necessary for a fictitious company, Advanced Automobile Concepts, to increase sales. Advanced Automobile Concepts, Zen Motors, needs a research plan showing each step along the research path. The report will start with the marketing research problem, 8 steps including objectives, design and data collecting, and concluding with how the report should be presented. The research will not be conducted but each step will be de described as to how it will be carried out in relation to how the CEO of Advanced Automobile …show more content…

Advanced Automobile Concepts (ACC) is a new division of Zen Motors and the CEO of the ACC division, Nick Thomas, wants to not only increase market share, but look to consumer desire of the brand futuristically, thus reviving the brand. Thomas believes there are two options to accomplish this, either by new car designs or a redesign of current models. Thomas believes that foreign brands are increasing in popularity at an alarming rate and attributes this to fuel efficiency. Zen Motors makes a high percentage of their profit from larger automobiles. Due to having done well in the past with these vehicles, regardless of a slow decline in market share, there is a reluctance to spend money on the development of new designs. However, consumers appear to becoming more attuned to global warming, green energy, and the knowledge of gas prices increasing, thereby affecting their behavior and purchasing. Nick Thomas must revive Zen Motor brand and has the authority to do …show more content…

This is background information that gives light to the issues at hand. Exploratory research will clarify problems that will be the foundation for the next step in research design. Another answer to be determined would be what attitudes are strongly associated with purchase intentions of different automobile models. Relationships will vary around the country and knowledge of whether it is definable in certain market segments, and why, is necessary background information. This is so priorities can be identified to prevent misunderstanding of the information to be

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