Yummy The Last Days Of A South Side Story Analysis

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“How could a kid so sweet be so nasty too?” (54). ‘Yummy The Last Days of a Southside Story’ by G.Neri shares the true story of an eleven-year-old boy named Robert “Yummy” Sandifer who fell victim to Chicago gangs due to the alleged shooting of Shavon Dean. Yummy, a child too young to understand, too young to not give in, and never had a stable adult to look up to, is a prime example of a victim at the wrong place at the wrong time. A child born in hopelessness is bound to hopelessness until guidance from a good, healthy, influential adult. After Yummy shot Dean his face hit the news and everyone had an opinion. One reporter had this to say, “This young kid fell through the cracks. If this child was protected 5 years ago, you save 2 people. You …show more content…

If you ask her right now how many adults she can talk to about any problem, she would name more than ten. I bet Yummy couldn't come up with even one. After Yummy shot Dean, he went on the run. Not knowing what was to happen next. He felt he could not trust anyone. But by the fourth day, he gave up. “After 4 days Yummy called his Granny asking for help. ‘Why is the police looking for me for? It wasn’t my fault…’ ‘Wait there. I’m coming to get you.’ ‘I’m scared Granny.’” (66). Yummy then walked off. Although Yummy called his grandmother he still did not trust her enough to stay. In my opinion, ‘Granny’ did not care enough to stay active in Yummy's life to build a relationship Yummy could trust. Throughout my time in school, I have noticed the kids who struggle the most are the ones without supportive parents. Long ago back in Elementary School, I knew this kid, we will call him Jack to protect his privacy. Jack is the meanest person I have ever met, he was your stereotypical big, bad, bully. Not only Jack was mean, but he was cruel, he loved to bully me and my friends to tears. He would demoralize you, make you feel as if you are the scum of the earth. Jack was an expert at his skill, he would terrify other

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