The Power of Youth in To Kill a Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird theme Essay Imagine saying hi to an older friend in a mob, unknowingly he was going to kill a prisoner in a cell that your father was guarding for the night. The youths in TKM plays an important role in today's society, in how just being alive and polite can affect people deeply. It’s important to know this because youths are everywhere we go, and what they do can effect us all. Youth effects people is proved when Scout tells Mr. Cunningham his son is a friend that she goes to school with.(205) Mr. Cunningham didn't want to kill a person in front of a child so he decided that his mob should not kill Tom Robinson, (our targeted black man who has been accused of a crime) instead he tells his mob to leave because of scout. Scout Tells Mr.Cunningham he goes to school with his son Walter.”I go to school with Walter”... “ a real nice boy. We brought him home for dinner one time Maybe he told you about me, I beat him up one time but he was real nice about it. Tell him hey for me, won’t you?” Scout’s politeness brought out the good in Mr.Cunningham and compels him and his gang to leave. Mr.Cunningham is a friend to Atticus Finch, he is shown to be a farmer, a poor one at that. They never take money because they know they can never pay it back. Scout goes to …show more content…

Both Tate and Boo Radley protect Jem and Scout, Boo gave gifts to both of the children, Jem and Scout never gave anything to Boo. But he doesn't care, and that was the first time and last time Scout saw Boo. Boo Maybe doesn't care. Actions effects people is demonstrated by Boo when he makes friends while never talking to them directly, or at all, in the book he never says a word. Boo helps the kids in the end, by also gifting them with Life, because if Boo wasn’t there Jem and Scout would have died, this shows you how small things can be, but end up in a big

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