Your Past Holds Your Secrets

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The true definition of betrayal to fail or desert especially in time of need. The book Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a story of betrayal about a boy named, Amir that betrayed several people in his life, and affected him throughout his life. In the novel Amir feels that sometimes the easiest way out of a situation is betraying someone. In his early childhood the acts of betrayal Amir commits are not aiding Amir, blaming others for his guilt, and finally lying to his father.
To start with, Amir’s first betrayal was not aiding Hassen in the alley where he watched him get raped. This event happens right after Amir and Hassen had won the kite runner contest, his trophy was his opponent's blue kite. Hassen had gone out to retrieve the kite which was the the trophy he had earned, so hard for his father’s respect. Amir had gone out looking for Hassen and the blue kite, once he had found Hassen in an alley with some boys that had bothered him and Hassen previously. Amir does nothing to stop them from harassing his friend. “I felt paralyzed. I watched them close up on a boy I’d grown up with, the boy whose harelipped face had been my first memory” (Hosseini 71). His act had stopped him from trying to help his so called friend that he had grown up with. This would be a sign inner hatred for Hassen that he finally shows towards him. Due to his lack confidence he allowed his friend to get raped.
”I caught a glimpse of his face. Saw the resignation in it. It was a look I had seen before. It was the look of the lamb...I stopped watching turned away from the alley… I had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide who I was going to be. I could step into that alley stand up for Hassen - the way he’d stood up ...

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...t he would never have to be reminded of the horrible act he done. Amir had stolen Hassen and Baba’s right to the truth and betrayal both of them by only thinking what would make his conscience feel better and not thinking of anyone else. The acts that Amir commits may see not to all important, but in Baba’s eyes he had done the worst sin of all.
To conclude, Amir acts show that sometimes the easiest way of a situation is to betray someone even if it is someone close to you. Amir’s acts of betrayal that he had done are not helping Hassen and turning his back way during his time of need, blaming others for what he had done, and to betray his own father’s trust and respect by committing theft, which is his father’s worst sin. During times of needs betraying someone may be easiest way out of a situation, but it does not always have the effects you had hoped for.

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