Your New Name Is Truman

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The United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once stated, “If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle.” Nowadays, this cogitation is all too common with modern media and the people behind it. It is a shame that the only thing that captures Americans’ attention is whether or not some celebrity did something unusual, instead of genuine news stories that are affecting hundreds if not thousands of people around the globe. We let the media take control of our daily life, whether it be through advertising, through manipulation of news and television, or by even letting them spy on us every second of our lives through the NSA and other government surveillance programs. The government and the media are holding hands to keep the masses in line and to keep them distracted so they do not unearth all of the evil that they are conducting behind our backs. Director Peter Weir was able to portray and predict the state of our media today all too well in his film The Truman Show (1998). The Truman Show tells the story of 30-year-old Truman Burbank and how he was born into a bubble society created by a mass-media corporation. Truman grows up in this dome world that is veritably a set filled with hidden cameras and he is filmed every second of his life without his knowledge. Peter Weir with his film The Truman Show predicted what would happen in the future if we continued with patterns of letting the media and government control our lives through advertising, manipulation of news and television, and allowing them spy on us every second of our lives through surveillance programs.

One of the leading prophecies Peter Weir has made through The Truman Show is the mass surveillance that occurs through modern me...

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...hem can also purchase it too. It has become so engraved into the American lifestyle to consume it might be difficult to stop it.
By watching the film The Truman Show by Peter Weir it is shown how much the film relates to modern day America. Our ignorance and consumerism is what makes this film prophetic. Weir provided the call of action for change back in 1998 and today in 2014 it still has not changed for the better and has only gotten worse. The motivation for a radical change in American government and media corporations is there, but will we finally take the chance and push for a better way of life. Or, will we simply continue to allow the media and government to spy on its citizens, manipulate our news, and pressure us to be the biggest consumers in the world. We can only hope that one day we, like Truman Burbank, can break out of this corrupted system.

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