Your Cell Phones Could Ruin Your Life By Kristen Lewis Essay

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About 77% of Americans own a smartphone. Many people do not know if smartphones benefit people or negatively affect them. There are many arguments support phone use and many arguments are against it; however, Kristen Lewis believes they are bad. Kristen Lewis, the author of “Your Cell Phone Could Ruin Your Life (If You Let It)” develops the idea that cell phone use can be harmful by using statistics, connecting with the reader, and examples. Kristen Lewis develops the idea that phone use can be harmful by using statistics. In the passage it says, “58% of pedestrian deaths are children under 19. This is a statistic because a fact from a study with numerical data. This statistic develops her idea because many children are addicted to their phone and if 58% pedestrian deaths are children then phone's result in deaths. Therefore, this statistic supports her point of cell phone use can be harmful. Also, in the passage it states, “1 in 3 people cross busy streets while using their phones.” This is a statistic because it uses numerical data. This statistic helps develops her argument because when people look down at their phone, it prevents them from looking both ways. Therefore, phone use can be harmful because it can cause pedestrian deaths. She also conveys her argument by connecting with the reader. …show more content…

For example, it says, “You are at high risk for distraction-related accidents…” This is an example of connecting with the reader because it uses the word “you” and talks about readers. This develops her idea that phones are harmful because she uses you as an example to show your phone can distract you and cause accidents. In the passage, the author wrote, “So why don’t you just ignore all these digital interruptions? Your brain won’t let you.” This connects with the reader because it uses you, the reader, as an example. Another way she develops her argument is by using

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