You Owe Me Research Paper

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Basow, Susan and Minieri, Alexandra. “’You Owe Me’: Effects of Date Cost, Who Pays, Participant Gender, and Rape Myth Beliefs on Perceptions of Rape.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26.479 (2011). Print. This source includes a unique study on the different perceptions of date rape according to the type of date and how expensive it was. This study is based on the principles of sexual social exchange theory as it is applied to current western dating traditions. According to this theory, men pay for dates, and women are expected to reciprocate with sexual favors. If a woman is forced into these sexual favors, it is often justified in our society because the woman “owed” the man. The results of the study supported the hypothesis that the costliest dates would correlate with the greatest expectations for sexual activity. The authors also found that the participants who most agreed with these beliefs were those with greater acceptance of rape myths. This study is especially useful for my paper because it is very current and is centered around dating trends that are common among college students today and explains how rape myths affect these traditions and influence perceptions of rape. Bohmer, Carol and Parrot, Andrea. Sexual …show more content…

It includes information on athletes and fraternities, and why these groups are so frequently involved in rape cases. The authors address rape myths such as stranger rape being the only “real rape” and victims creating false accusations just for their own personal agendas. They go into detail about how members of our society are socialized to believe these myths, and they become so prevalent that many men who rape acquaintances truly believe they are acting the way men are supposed to act. Although this text was written a number of years ago, its content is still true today and still applies to the topics I will be covering in my

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