You Must First Go Through The Bad

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1. To Reach the Good, You Must First Go Through the Bad. The miserable moments that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us. To know what happiness and other pleasant feelings are, you must first experience negative emotions and go through difficult situations. Anyone can give up; it is the easiest deed to do. However, to hold yourself together when everything else in life is falling apart is true strength. That will lead you to the good parts of life. 2. Do Not Regret. Every decision gives you the opportunity to take credit for creating your own life. Even though you may not be happy with the outcome of the decision you made, accept the outcome and move on with life. Be willing to …show more content…

Cherish every moment and every person that you love, because you never know when it will be the last time you see them. There are many family members and friends that I wish I spent more time getting to know better, because once they were gone, I never got the chance to know really well about who they were as a person and say my goodbyes. Now, I have learned to truly appreciate the time I spend with the people I love. A saying that I believe demonstrates this is “Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and misses you, because you might wake up and realize, you lost the moon while counting the stars.” (John …show more content…

At that moment, we can feel inadequate and like a failure because we failed to create the life we wanted or deserved, but sometimes the magic is in the journey rather than the destination. It is in the lessons we learn along the way and the changes we go through that allow us to become the best versions of ourselves. Although life does not always turn out the way you planned or the way you once thought it would, does not mean it will not turn out better than you ever could have imagined. Let life take you in a new direction, and you may be shocked at how perfect it could end

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