Yield Ratio Analysis Paper

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1. Fort Lauderdale received 150 applicants from the corporate website, 300 applicants from job boards, 115 applicants from the newspaper, 31 applicants from Walk-ins, and 37 applicants from a public employment agency. The yield ratio for potentially qualified applicants from the corporate website is 8%. The yield ratio for potentially qualified applicants from job boards is 7%. The yield ratio for potentially qualified applicants from the newspaper is 67%. The yield ratio for potentially qualified applicants from walk-ins is 64%. The yield ratio for potentially qualified applicants from a public employment agency is 51%. The yield ratio for interviews from the corporate website is 75%. The yield ratio for interviews from job boards are 55%. The yield ratio for interviews from the newspapers is 82%. …show more content…

This would help the HR recruiter determine if the source is effective. The yield ratio can also determine if the source is worth investing money into to seek out desirable applicants. The yield ratio on a particular recruitment source can determine how much time and effort needs to be place on this source when looking for new hires. The yield ratio can determine if the source outputs the amount of skilled laborers the company is looking for. For example, the amount of applicants the company received from a public employment agency was the second to the lowest. However, the yield ratio for the applicants being qualified, getting interviews, accepting the job, and surviving the job over 6 months was high. This shows the recruiter that even though the job agency doesn’t produce quantity as high as some of the other recruitment sources, it makes up for it in the quality of applicants it puts out. Public job agencies usually tries to help train applicants to both learn a set skill or several skills that will help them obtain and maintain a job, therefore, making them more viable

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