Yeti Crab Research Paper

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The yeti crab is an interesting creature when it's around its surroundings. The yeti's association with their bacteria is more developed than its relatives. Each species has its own system, but one has a comb with which it can extract its food from its setae! The radiation of the closely related species seems to have been in the Coenozoic. This means that, 65 million years ago, as mammals began to take over on land, the types of crab represented now by the yetis began taking over hydrothermal vents and similar niches from a lost generation of previous inhabitants. The yeti crab has a very distinct look. The Yeti Crab is a crustacean that was first discovered in 2005 by Michel Segonzac, a marine life scientist, that saw this unusually “hairy” …show more content…

Yeti Crabs are often found in depths of more than 2000 meters, and are common on and around hydrothermal vents of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. Most species do not live where the yeti crab lives.
The Yeti crab is a very interesting creature compared to its surroundings..They assist the creature in detoxifying poisonous minerals from the water that are often emitted by the hydrothermal vents around it. I guess you could say the Yeti Crab doesn’t treat others the way it would like to be treated. It essentially eats the stuff that help it survive.The setae that covers the majority of its body often contains heavy sheets of chemosynthetic bacteria that the Yeti Crab can eat whenever hungry.
The yeti crab is a very recent discovery. Nothing is known about its reproduction habits, due to its place of living.
Overall, the yeti crab is a very interesting creature. Not much is known about it however. We learned many things about the yeti crab, and basically, all there is known about the yeti crab. I hope you have realized that there are truly creatures that still need to be learned about I hope in the future, this animal gains more exposure. And I hope all weird animals alike gain the same thing,

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