Yellow Star Badges

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The first thing that struck me in part two, was how the Jews were being told to identify themselves now by wearing special badges. To begin, the children in this particular scene talked about how their identity cards had come in the mail, on it there was a large red J, inside they would find what would become known as the “Jew badge”. All people of the Jewish faith had to wear stars, more specifically, the star of David. These yellow star badges signified that they were Jewish, it would become their new identity to others. By having them wear these yellow noticeable stars, they would be easily spotted by others, they would become isolated among the German citizens. The Jews would then be banned to certain areas, which they were not allowed to leave. …show more content…

If I were labelled like that, I would be embarrassed and ashamed at the fact that people would now reject me because of my religion. One of the children in the movie said that they were not ashamed to be Jewish, rather they were ashamed of their helplessness. I was surprised to hear the young boy say that himself and other Jews were not ashamed because of their religion, rather it was because of their helplessness. I am astonished by how the majority of the Jews stood up for their religion and refused to be ashamed because of their beliefs. I hope that if I am ever found in a position similar, I will be able to stand up for my religion and beliefs like they had done instead of being ashamed by it. The impact that their strong faith had on me makes me want to be able to own up to my beliefs especially during times when people may be going against

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