Yee Xiong: Victims Of Violence Against Women

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There are many instances where women are targets of violence and, sometimes, there isn’t much they can do about it. In today’s society, violence against women is still an issue that many people don’t seem to be giving much attention to.
Victims of rape are often victims of an unjust law system as well, and usually have a hard time in regard to their assailant being put away. In most cases, they are also victim blamed. Yee Xiong was a student at the University of California-Davis when one night, she decided to go out for a drink. That night, she was raped, and it was difficult to put her rapist in jail. Xiong stated that during her trial she was asked “every imaginable question” (Huffington). Xiong isn’t the only one who has gone through this. …show more content…

It is said that although the line of questions may be offensive to ask, “when a criminal case rests on a woman being too intoxicated to consent, then a defense lawyer must ask that type of question” (Huffington). In the case of Brock Turner v. The People, Turner’s defense attorney asked the woman assaulted questions in regard to her drinking habits. A few questions asked were “You did a lot of partying in college; right?” and “[you] like, chugged it [vodka]” (Huffington). There are also many cases where defense lawyers blame the victim. For example, 2 former Vanderbilt football players were found guilty in connection with a gang rape. Their lawyer blamed the victim and justified the assault by stating “She drank quite a lot of alcohol” (Huffington Post). Convicting a rapist isn’t easy, and Yee Xiong is well aware of that. It took four years and two rape trials for Xiong to finally get justice. Even when justice is “served”, you can’t depend on the system to give the rapist a reasonable punishment. Brock Turner was a Sanford student who was found sexually assaulting an intoxicated woman behind a dumpster, who was also …show more content…

Date rape is an ongoing issue, happening mostly in college. Statistics show “a sizeable proportion of undergraduate women have experienced sexual assault when they were incapacitated and unable to provide consent” (Opposing Viewpoints). Being given a drug without knowing is not uncommon, and many women in a study reported being given a drug without consent, or even knowledge of it. There is a study showing the incidence of experiencing sexual assault is higher since entering college, than before entering college (Opposing Viewpoints). It was discovered that seniors in college have been victims of incapacitated sexual assault since entering college. This is also a big issue in regard to targets. Hispanic women are more likely to be victims of physically forced sexual assault compared to whites. It was also shown that a majority of victims of sexual assault are attacked by men they know and trust, not a stranger. Date rape is a serious issue that needs to be addressed, because many students are at risk. There are plenty of occurrences where women were killed or severely injured for rejecting men’s advances towards them. Typically, women are stereotyped for the inability to handle emotions, but the facts show there are many occurrences of men harming women for simply rejecting them. Misogyny is a serious ongoing issue in society, going as far as resulting in the

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