Yayoi Period

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Humans have lived in Japan for 35,000 years. The first period in Japanese history was called the Jomon period, During this period, Japan was made up of hunter-gatherers. That period lasted from 8,000 B.C to 300 B.C. At 300 B.C, a new period began! The Yayoi period. During this period, they learned how to farm, make tools out of iron and bronze, and even weave cloth!

The next period began at 300 A.D and didn't end until 710 A.D. During this time Japan slowly united over the course of the 400 year period. Over the course of this period, Korea attempted to convert Japan to Buddhism but to no avail. Japan adopted the Chinese calendar during this period. When an emperor died during this time, they moved the capital's location because they believed it was unlucky to stay in the same place.This tradition ended in 784 when Emperor Kammu moved his capital to Kyoto and it stayed there until the modern era (1750) …show more content…

During this time, culture and arts flourished! In Kyoto, the emperor's power grew weaker as wealthy landowners gained power. They eventually contracted private militaries. They were called Samurai and they followed a code called Bushido and were supposed to be loyal to their employers. (aka if they were going to get captured by another samurai, they were supposed to commit suicide.) A large civil war broke out between rival families in 1180. By 1185 the Minamoto family emerged victorious, ending the war in a naval battle by

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