Ww2 Rhetorical Analysis

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1. This excerpt is from a speech that Winston Churchill gave during World War II to encourage the British people to persevere in the war even though they were not doing as well as they could have been. This portion of the speech functions to prop up the British audience's spirits by stressing that the British military, particularly the navy, actually does have a good chance of success in the war. Churchill starts out with a joke — pointing out that people forget that the British navy even exists, when it is, in fact, the best in the world. The casual tone he sets here inspires confidence that the situation is not so dire. It reassures the worried audience that the British will prevail. Churchill goes on to point out that the German navy, which the British were confident of repelling even when it was much stronger than it is currently, has a fraction of its former strength. Churchill then openly mocks the Italian navy, which is incapable of effectiveness. He sarcastically remarks that if the Italian navy intends to win sea battles, the …show more content…

It is clear from this excerpt that the narrator is speaking from a position of privilege and that he has an imperialistic attitude. This impression is based not only on the content of his writing, but also on the way he conveys his ideas — with language that strongly suggests that he believes himself superior to others based on race and geography. Imperialism — a nation's belief that it has the right to assert power over others — is clear throughout this excerpt. Chamberlain speaks directly that "we have determined to wield the scepter of empire" across the world, particularly in Africa, which he references here. Chamberlain's reference to a scepter, which is a ceremonial wand representing a king's or queen's power, conjures up images of grand ceremony, beauty, and wealth, while glossing over the things that are often done in the name of the ruling power: subjugating people and giving them no say in how that power is

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