Ww2 Informative Speech

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My name is Alanna Inniss from Atlanta, Georgia. Today, I am explaining how WWII came to be. WWII was a major event in world history. It took place during the years of 1939-1345. This war was fought because of the bombing on Pearl Harbor, militarism, appeasement, and alliances.
Nazi’s take power
The Nazi power was created by Adolf Hitler. He believed that all non white Aryans were not as good as they were. When Nazis took power, people were upset. Millions of people were not treated fairly for various reasons. Adolf Hitler thought if he killed people that weren’t like him,Germany would be better. 7 out of every 10 people were killed. This means 70% percent of people were going to die. Germany had a Jewish population of about 565,000 before the holocaust. After, the holocaust in the Jewish population there were only about 37,000 people left. …show more content…

This was the killing over 6 million Jews in Germany. In addition, millions of others were also killed. Serbs, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Disabled people, and homosexuals. Prisoners were starved, tortured and worked to death. One cause of WWII for the United States was the attack of Pearl Harbor by Japanese fighter planes. One effect of WWII was that since Germany was defeated, the Nazi Party was taken

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