Ww1 Effects On Canada Essay

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In 1914, Canada entered the international stage when the nation joined the largest conflict the world had ever seen. Canada, a colony of Britain, fought the same battles and experienced the same losses as all the other established nations in the war. For four years, the country came together and played a crucial role in bringing down the rising threat that was the Central Powers. Despite the great cost, WWI had numerous positive impacts on Canada, especially regarding its economy, unity as a nation, and status on the world stage.

The war brought tremendous economic benefits to Canada. In 1914, Canada was going through a recession, but by 1916 the economy was flourishing. From 1911 to 1916, the net exports to Britain alone rose from 22 billion …show more content…

As well as the English and French Canadians, Irish, and even First Nations men were part of the 619,000 who enlisted in the war. Although there were conflicts among the English and French, both fought together as a single force in many battles. In the battle of Vimy Ridge, all four divisions of the Canadian Corps attacked and triumphed together as a single unit.The war also brought together those left on Canadian soil. As mentioned previously, thousands worked in the the factories and many more farmed the land to produce food for the nation. Soldiers of the Soil, an initiative run by the Canadian Food Board, encouraged adolescent boys to volunteer for farm service, and recruited 22,385 young men across the country. These boys provided labour and received room, board, and spending money. However, the women were the Canadian’s on the home front who made the largest contributions to the war effort. The women were the Canadians who raised funds, knit clothing for those overseas, promoted enlistment, worked in the factories and farms and also worked in numerous volunteer organisations. A few such organisations include the Women's Hospital Corps, The Women's Volunteer Reserve, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, and Women's Land Army. WWI was the time period in Canada when women began to fill the roles previously held by men. Along with this movement came the seeds of suffrage in Canada, and would soon lead to equal voting rights among men and women. Over the years, the war helped remove barriers between different groups of Canadians and led to a more united

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