Wuthering Heights Heathcliff Mental Illness

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Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. Wuthering Heights follows the life of heathcliff, from his childhood to his death in is late thirties. It's about how heathcliff rises in his adopted family and then is bent back down to the status of a servant, then running away when the woman he loves marries another. Heathcliff then returns, rich and educated and sets on gaining his revenge on the two families that he thought ruined his life. Heathcliff is described as a mysterious gypsy like person. Heathcliff is suffering from major depression disorder, ocd, and bipolar disorder and depression.

Heathcliff is suffering major depression disorder. Heathcliff had traumatic experience. Traumatic or stressful events,such as physical or sexual abuse, the death or loss of a loved one, a difficult relationship, or financial problems. …show more content…

Heathcliff has obsessive issues. Obsessions are ideas people cannot force out of their minds. Brinkerhoff,18. I have to remind myself to breathe--almost to remind my heart to beat! Pg.238. Heathcliff is obsessed with catherine. He's so obsessed with her that he as remind his heart to beat Heathcliff has obsessive checking. Repeated doubts, such as wondering if one has hurt another person; wondering if one locked the door. Brinkerhoff, 22. “I discovered the yell was not ideal. Hasty footsteps approached my chamber door:somebody pushed it open, with a vigorous hand”pg. 18. Heathcliff has the worst obsessive checking. He will check on any sound even if it's the slightest. Heathcliff has repeating actions. Repeating actions. Brinkerhoff, 27. “Cathy and her brother harassed me terribly:he was as uncomplaining as a lamb, though hardness, not gentleness, made him give little trouble.” pg. 27. Heathcliff has repeating actions from his childhood. He was harassed as a kid by his brother and now heathcliff is like that to his son. Heathcliff suffers from ocd from his traumatic childhood and rough life he's

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