Write An Alternate Ending To This Excerpt

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I was wandering through the streets of Philadelphia, I had no job, no food, no money, no family. Until I stumbled upon a small little nice house. On the door, it said Cook Coffeehouse. I never worked as a server for a coffeehouse, or anything like that for that manner. Without hesitation, I opened the door to see a teenage girl. She saw how my clothes were and how bony I was. She took me to the kitchen immediately, and gave me some new clothes. She asks me why i’m here. I told her that I was an orphan and once I turned 18 they kicked me out. “Right now I need a job and a place to stay.” I stated She stared at me for a second or two, trying to get a good look at me, and see if i’m not some kind of scammer. She replied with, “Our old server …show more content…

I noticed that Mattie started to become more sluggish than usual, as each day passed, I realized that Mattie’s eyes were getting tinted by yellow more everyday. It took a while, until Mattie’s eyes were fully yellow and she could barely do anything. We had a doctor come over and said that she needed to be sent to Bush Hill immediately. I was worried on what would happen next. I started getting closer to Mattie’s grandfather. He was starting to become depressed, he really missed Mattie. I had to do Mattie’s job and my job. After a while, we decided to close the coffeehouse until the frost came. We were lucky to have two customers a day. My job became easier because all I had to do was house work, and garden work. We started to run low on food; our garden was not cooperating and about half of the garden had been deceased. There was hardly little food to buy from; most of the farmers did not want to sell any of their food because they did not want to get sick. The only farmers that wanted to sell asked for highly immense prices. There were so many people dying that they did not bury the dead properly: they would have people dig a huge hole and bury the dead in the hole. Lots of ministers and priests were so tired that they did not have any services for the

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