World War Z Essay

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Marc Forster brings the viewer, World War Z, an action-packed, thrilling and zombie-filled adventure movie with Brad Pitt taking the lead role as Gerry Lane. The movie originated from the book, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, which was published back in 2006 by Max Brook. World War Z is cleverly thought out to keep the viewers on the edge of their seat always while the movie is roughly two hours long. World War Z is about the life of a former United Nations investigator, Gerry Lane, and his family. Suddenly, the world overran by a mysterious infection, which turns once innocent people into undead killing machines. After barely escaping the chaos at the beginning, Lane is then persuaded to go on a mission to investigate this …show more content…

Brad Pitt is a great actor and is very good with leads, due to his balance between survival skills and sympathy to the horrors around him; he plays wonderfully as the role of Gerry Lane. Although Pitt's character fought through zombies more like "a warrior hero" than "the sympathetic family man" they portrayed him to be at the beginning of the movie. Karen, Gerry Lane’s wife, should’ve been more involved in helping Gerry more in the movie; she does an honorable job with what she brings to offer. There are a few supporting characters in this movie that also did an acceptable job, some better than others. The main thing that ties all zombie movies together are the real stars, the zombies, who tend to create delightful feelings of fear and excitement. To sum it up World War Z has an interesting mix characters and story idea that all comes together, which providing the consumer with a great movie to watch in the summer. Going through the post-apocalyptic journey with, Lane is just breathtaking. World War Z has a marvelous atmosphere of creepy zombies stalking around, which is countered with a nice balance of horror and action-adventure. World War Z also tends to lean on familiarity, but, it doesn’t abuse the concept of this. If a fast-paced, jaw-dropping zombie movie is what one needs to complete their year, this one is one that is worth

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