World War 2 Argumentative Essay

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Saraniesha Gardner English III Beth Simpson April 1, 2014 Thesis: Though many argue that World War 2 was an unnecessary show of violence that benefitted no one, World War 2 uniquely and critically revolutionized the world in science, technology, and medicine. War. Bloody, gruesome war. A war that left innocents dead, families broken, and homes destroyed. A war that thrust the whole world into turmoil for six long years. Many argue that something so monstrously gruesome and violent could have been avoided. Even Winston Churchill, the renowned prime minister of Britain, called World War 2 the "Unnecessary war." Yet, was World War 2 beneficial enough to outweigh its violence? Although millions of men die in combat, and millions others were wounded, the war brought about many other advances. Necessity is the mother of invention, and as the needs of the time demanded more advanced resources, she provided them. Though many argue that World War 2 was an unnecessary show of violence that benefitted no one, World War 2 uniquely and critically revolutionized the world in science, technology, and medicine. Weapons Weaponry underwent a drastic and beneficial change during World War 2. These changes included upgrades in mobility, power, and durability. The Tank became an essential, which was used on all fronts. Guns also rose to the foreground, and better guns meant battles won. Lastly, the most pivotal and remarkable technological improvement came with the great advances in bombs and missiles. Weapons certainly played a key role in World War 2. Without tanks, it is doubtful that War World 2 would have been fought in such a short time. Tanks critically shaped the outcome of the war. Before Transportation Transportation advancement a... ... middle of paper ... ...Siegel, 94) over its tail and that it was without a cockpit. Easy and cheap to make, the light craft was only just over 25 feet long and carried a wingspan of 17 12 feet, and ran on easily available standard gasoline. Its small jet engine gave it enough power to carry a 1,870-pound warhead. Although it was cheap and simply made, it lacked accuracy. The most specific point that the Germans could hit with the V-1 was Greater London, and nothing smaller (Siegel, 94). Yet, despite its imprecision, the V-1 did impact the Axis during its short lifespan. One reason the V-1 did not last for long was due to the inaccessibility of extra parts, suitable launching platforms, and experienced crew. When the V-1 was first conceived, engineers at the Volkswagen plant in Fallersleben, Germany released a series of prototypes, each fixing one more kink revealed by the last version.

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