World Class Education

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The great philosopher Plato said, “The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life.” This quote emphasizes the importance of education and the effect it can have on one’s future. Education prepares the next generation not only to be successful, but also to become a force of change in the world. Being successful and being a change in the world is only possible when one is fully equipped with the knowledge to dispense success. However, education faces one detrimental variable that limits the success of students- inequity. Around the entire world, especially the United States, students are educated on different levels because of funding, the lack or over supply of resources, quality of teachers, and other components. …show more content…

If a student cannot afford to buy books they should not be penalized for it. For example, I took an aural skills music class and was doing well and had an A in the class until our professor presented us with two books we needed to purchase. Both books totaled to an amount of one-hundred and thirty dollars, and the longer I and other students took to purchase them, the lower our grades dropped. He told us that if we did not buy the books he would fail us for the semester. I ended up having to take out another loan just to buy both books and we ended up not using either of them. Now, I have a loan I cannot afford to pay back, but I had no choice other than to take out the loan because the class was a requirement for my major and I was determined to succeed. According to Ethan Senack, students are paying too much for textbooks, plain and simple (Senack, E., Also, Senack stated "Not only are students choosing not to purchase the materials they are assigned by their professor, but they are knowingly accepting the risk of a lower grade to avoid paying for the textbook." Students are willing to risk penalizing their grade in order to save money, and it is not fair when education is supposed to help you prevail, not be injurious to your academic

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