Worksheet On Bilingual Education

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PART l: Question: Read the statements below and mark each True (T) or False (F).

1. Bilingual education does not work. (F) 2. There are few benefits that come with bilingual education. (F) 3. Education through the use of two languages (at once) confuses children; and therefore bilingual education programs mix up children. (F) 4. Bilingual education delays students’ acquisition of an additional language. (F) 5. Bilingual education programs are for minority students. (F) 6. It is easier for children to learn an additional language than it is for adults. (T) 7. Bilingual education is part of the problem in today’s schools; it is not the solution. (F) 8. The best way to become bilingual is to be immersed in that language in school. (F) …show more content…

What I mean by this is that all the stimulus such as environmentally or psychologically that are around them at an early age, they absorb much faster than those adults. This is why when it comes to learning new languages or new words, children have a higher rate of success oppose to learning an additional language at a later age. When children are frequently exposed to two languages, they unconsciously acquire the second language naturally. Children apply the same skills they use to acquire their native language. Children do not need to master the complexity of language as adults do. On top, children do not fear of making mistakes and pronouncing words incorrectly as most adults do. Learning an additional language as a child has a much greater risk of bypassing an accent oppose to learning an additional language as an adult. I personally could relate to this because my Native Language is Spanish. I learned English through being placed in a Bilingual Class. Today, I speak both Spanish and English fluently without any accent. It is important for children to receive stimulations to maintain both languages as there are some children who lose their first language and end up maintaining their second language

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