Workplace Discrimination Investigation

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As a manager, it is important that I investigate any complaints brought forth to me by my employees. Whether or not, I suspect the motive of the person who is complaining, I must deal with the employee harassment complaint immediately. I will need to keep an open mind, and display compassion by not being quick to judge the employee for filing a complaint. Ignoring the complaint could lead to bigger problems for the company.

In handling this situation, I will listen carefully to the accusation of the employee. Although I suspect a motive, I will not jump to my own conclusions. I will let the employee know that I take harassment very serious and I will assure him or her that I will investigate this matter. In investigating I must be fair and respect each person involved. All details surrounding the complaint will be kept confidential as much as possible. In conducting an investigation, I will interview both parties and any witnesses. I will also have both employees put their complaint in writing. After the investigation, if I find that there was something indeed suspicious with the employee motive, I will discipline that employee. This employee will have to apologize to the affected employee and management. I will also demote the employee, moving him or her to entry level position within the company. If the harassment complaint was intimidating, hostile, or offensive to the employee, I will terminate the employee effective immediately. It is important that the accused employee know that his or her action will not be tolerated within this company. …show more content…

As a manager, engaging with your employees by communicating with them, helps to get a better understanding of their personality. When people start from a positive perspective, they can start on problem-solving immediately. On the other hand, if they start by assuming another person had selfish or harmful motives, they may never get to problem-solving (Anderson

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