Working Women In The 1930's

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Women realized that they did not need men to be successful, therefore, they decided to become more self-reliant.Some women in the 1930s decided to stay single in hopes to become self- reliant (Working Women in the 1930s). Although women who were single at the time were uncommon, it was slowly gaining more popularity as time went on. Multiple women didn’t have a choice to be single. Men left their wives because they only had enough money to provide for themselves (Lemon). Many women wanted to become self-reliant because, during this time, feminism was gaining popularity. Molly Dewson was a political activist and feminist. She increased the roles of women in the democratic party since she wanted women to have more power (Working Women in the …show more content…

Women being in the government at high-ranking positions was a big accomplishment for the movement of women at the time. The government was more accepting of women being involved because the economy was in need and people needed more money to provide their families with the necessities. Frances Perkins was the 1st woman cabinet official (Lewis).This was a big step in women’s history and showed many other women that they could earn the better-paying jobs they wanted or government positions if they put their mind to it. Powerful women were not commonly talked about in the early 1930s, even though there were bountiful amounts of talented women who accomplished many things that helped the United States. The accomplishment of Frances Perkins was one of several. In spite of the successes of women in government positions, they still had a long ways to go to receive equal rights to men (Plows). Women fought hard to get jobs that had equal pay and equal hours to men. Women were given opportunities for jobs, however, they required women to receive less pay and work longer hours. Women during this time held up posters in the streets and fought for better-paying jobs to provide for their

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