Wordsworth's Relationship In Tintern Abbey

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Tintern Abbey is an actual place in England that still exists today. The structure is much different in present time, so different now that cows now roam on it. Wordsworth’s in his text Tintern Abbey has an experience today somewhat like a coming home time. Imagine leaving a place where you grow up and visited recently as a kid. Also imagine not coming back to that place for five years, how much it would change? Or what would the place look like? When you come back to that place you realize it 's very different and looks totally different from the vision is your head. When you also return you happen to bring a friend or family member and they see the place how you did the first time you laid eyes on it but you see it totally different now. …show more content…

Wordsworth visits Tintern Abbey five years ago and it was everything he could have dreamed of. The church is magnificent and the stained glass is one to remember for Wordsworth. He has an experience there that he will never forget in his mind. The walls stood so high and he could never forget the experience and all in all it was so much bigger than anything he had ever seen. Derek Furr says, "Tintern Abbey’s politics of time in fact demonstrates the poet 's historiographic consciousness of and engagement with modernity.” time is such a factor for Wordsworth’s because over time the church begins to disintegrate or grow old. Once he comes back with his sister to Tintern Abbey he sees the place as a whole new place then he did before, but his sister see 's it how he did when he was just a boy his first time. Being away all this time he sees the place in a different light not much like he did when he was …show more content…

Wordsworth 's memory of the place is quite important to him, and one he will never forget. The human mind to be able to still remember this abbey very clearly was an amazing thing. Wordsworth knew exactly what everything still looked like and wouldn 't forget. The way he also was able to look at nature in a way no one else could was incredible for him to do. He didn 't everyone to just think normal about nature and life if you want or need to go somewhere then do it. There isn’t a lot of time in your life to be complacent about things go after what you want and never give up. Especially if is what you want in life. Wordsworth says that he had been away for too long and should have come back a long time ago. Also the way his sisters mind works now is how his worked back then in a sort of kid way. Now his mind see 's nature in a whole new way and not just the beauty in front of him, he see 's way past that. Sarah Pearson says, “Reading Tintern Abbey seeks to move beyond the traditional binaries of the mind.” he seeing is somewhat matured now then what is was back

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