Words Don T Mean What They Mean Summary

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Analysis of “Words Don’t Mean What They Mean” by Steven Pinker “Words Don’t Mean What They Mean” by Steven Pinker is an essay clarifies that people use vagueness and innuendo to deliver information instead of saying what they need to say directly. According to Eschholz, Rosa, and Clark (2013), Steven Pinker was born in Canada the city of Montreal in 1954. Later, Steven Pinker becomes a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University, he has also taught at Stanford and MIT. (Eschholz, Rosa, and Clark, 2013). According to Harvard university website (2017) “Words Don’t Mean What They Mean” was published in 2007. In fact, in 2007 his total publications were 15 publications in one year (Harvard University, 2017). Steven Pinker writes for publications such as the New York Times, Time and The Atlantic (Harvard University, 2017). In 1994 he published the first book that written for a general audience which is “The Language Instinct” (Harvard University, 2017). According to TED talk’s website (2017), Steven Pinker has done several TED talks videos. …show more content…

Steven Pinker distinguishes the difference between talking to man and women. Pinker showed a lady that was comfortable talking to another lady and the lady became angry when her talking to a man, not women (Pinker 2007 .p112, 113). People used intricacies method to achieve their needs and emotion instead of saying what they need to say directly. (Pinker 2007 .p113) Furthermore, even in a sexual situation, people twist and turn around and turn around their words. For example, “would you like to come up and see my etching?” (Pinker 2007.p113) Moreover, people use a kind word to order something from someone else without making a demand to the receiver or using indirect speeches to avoid a problem that may happen by mistake. (Pinker, 2007

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