Woodlawn Movie Essay

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When it comes to sports there are often many consequences but also significances that come along with them. The significances of sports for individuals include bringing people together, opportunities, motivation, worth ethic, perseverance, and physical and mental strength. When it comes to schools and communities, sports also bring people together and brings spirit. In the movie, Woodlawn, football brings many significances to not only the athletes, but also to the community. Football in this movie, changes the way the community treats one another and football changes the way of life for many people throughout the community. One significance of football that is apparent throughout this movie is bringing not only the students together but also …show more content…

In this movie, the sport of football opened many opportunities up for Tony. Tony was offered to further his football career and his education at several different Universities. We see this a lot in sports today. Athletes who are involved in sports at young ages grow up and in many cases, sports lead them opportunities like college and careers. Another major significance when it comes to sports is teaching the athletes to never give up no matter the circumstance. Sports teaches athletes to be physically and mentally tough. In the movie, there was many times when Tony and his team should have just given up but they didn’t. Tony and the team knew that if they gave up they were not only disappointing themselves but they were also disappointing the team. Throughout the movie, certain situations arose and Tony had to decide whether to quit and give up or to be tough and fight back. For example, because Tony was black he had to face many situations that weren’t easy. When someone threw a brick through his window at his home that said, “Quit.” Tony still didn’t quit. The sport of football taught him to never give up and to be mentally and physically tough. The sport of football brings many positives and significances to not just the players lives but also the people around them. Not only football, but all sports teach life lessons that are remembered and carried through ones

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