Wood Carving Through the Ages

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Wood carving, like weaving, is among the oldest crafts in the world. Thousands of years ago, during the Stone Age, prehistoric people made use of different types of wood as weapons and handles for their hunting tools.
Throughout the ancient civilisation, most notably in Egypt and Mesopotamia, religious figures that were carved in wood were placed in catacombs to protect the dead. The sculptors of the early Christian churches also made use of wood to demonstrate the life of Christ for worshipers—from there, wood carving became a noble task.
The art of wood carving soon flourished and developed. It became a perfect medium for artists who want to express their feelings and emotions by means of carving or sculpting.
Wood Carving Across the World
Wood carving was part of the history of many cultures from Europe, America, and Africa to Asia. For centuries, beautifully carved wooden figures became prominent forms of art in various places across the globe.
In Norway, the walls of the Urne Style Church, a UNESCO World Heritage site, was decorated with wooden carvings that come in elaborate...

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