Women's Power In Australia

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With the development and progress of the era, and the established of the feminism, women gradually got their due diligence and power in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Not as the subordinate of their husband or father, women in the society could attend the management level and have the power to control over others, which absolutely including man as their subordinate, in government, companies and other places. Diversity in gender quotas actually has positive effects to the company, but the ideology of Feminism itself, have both merit and weakness. This essay will use feminist to analyze the rationality of women representation increasing in company boards, in the background of Australia. Introduce Feminism and the current situation …show more content…

The first one is, there is no specific definition of power. Ever since the beginning of this ideology, feminists are saying men and women should be treated equally and women should get the same opportunity as men do to get the executive position. However, what is power? Be in the ruling position sometimes does not mean women have power. For example, if they are only a few women in one party, other party members could easily push them out and they will never get the chance to express their interests that represent all the women’s requirement. ‘Even when women do all the right things and have all the right stuff, they continue to be blocked from the innermost circles of power,’ said Bilimoria (1995:13). The second one is, the right that Feminism fights for are only for the upper-class white women, or all women. This is related to racism, which happens in both genders. As an international student in Australia, we could feel the difference between local student as well as the students from Western Countries and other students with personal experience. There are less in negligible amount of people of other race, not even have to mention how few women in there. Apart from applying government job, stay in a local company and promote to high position are also not easy. Some of the people have already immigrated to Australia, but they and their children still have to bear the discrimination from the racists. The final one is the controversy between liberal feminism and radical feminism. The fundamental ideology of two sides are different, so the right wings and left wings are fighting with each others for years. The radical feminism gets more attack, because they think women should have more power in order to control over men, which leads them not only denounced by liberal feminists, but also other

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