Women In Higher Education

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There are many factors that complicated the academic lives of women. Race, culture, social status and sexuality are a few issues that made it difficult for women in higher institutions. Society did not even begin to accept women in higher institutions until they saw a good enough purpose for them. There needed to be family support and the pros had to outweigh the cons in order for women to have enough purpose for pursing an education. Race complicated the advancement of blacks and Hispanics in pursuit of an education. Sexuality and coming out was another issue women had to face and overcome the discrimination of. After reading this essay you will understand the path and issues women faced but also be equipped with some suggestions for women …show more content…

Professors changed up their teaching styles and more career focused classes were offered to women. Solomon further explains this by describing a classroom setting, “the controlled dull recitation format was supplanted in part by lectures and group seminars. (pg.88).” Now more professors wanted to be engaging and home economics—where students learn about proper care for a child, knitting and more, classes were being offered. More specifically though race made it extremely harder for some women pursing a higher education. Jeanne Noble, an author in a book titled “Women and Higher Education in American History,” describes black women as being frustrated. “Many black college women describe feelings of alienation and frustration whenever they attempt to relate to black men and white women with whom they are grouped in affirmative action plans. (pg. 99).” Women had it tough from beginning to end. Black women had to get into college and consistently compare themselves to men and white women, but there were always differences among each group. Even if the goal of a college degree was the same some people faced different hardships then others because of sex, race and …show more content…

The cons for women pursing a higher education are discrimination from men and constantly having to prove one’s self as able to learn concepts and form opinions as a man would. Women were always seen as inferior to men because of the roles laid out by society. However, women had a chance to prove their abilities after they were educated. Women could be great scientist, lawyers and engineers, and at the same time be amazing mothers and wives. Women’s pursuit to higher education was a tumultuous one but in the end they still opened many doors for other women to walk

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