Women In Bartky's Body Politics

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Our society is full of paradoxes and contradictions. Here a female is considered a peripheral member of the family, both in her parent's house as well as husbands. Throughout her lifetime, she is unable to decide her roots and this leads to her insecurity. As the daughter is closest to the mother, this insecurity is rubbed on to her also. In almost all societies, a woman is culturally assigned norms of behaviour in which standards of conduct and decorum set the boundaries for her as external signs of what it means to be seemingly proper and respectable within the differentiated hierarchy called gender. Any form of deviation from prescribed norms or any display of transgressive potential in violation to the ideal image of womanhood makes her an unruly woman to be ostracized by society. …show more content…

Women are bound to their oppression, "by male control of the dominant institutions and the dominant ideology..." Bartky, Sandra Lee. 1998, "Body Politics." A Companion to Feminist Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell. p.85. Hence, in order both to gain equality and to realize their human potential, women must transcend their distinctive femaleness to lead the kind of life men do, in other words, they must be autonomous. Beauvoir exhorts women to achieve autonomy, to discover and nurture their authentic self through lived experience for self-realization. This argument may apply in case of Manjari, as she negotiates many opposed discourses and moves forward in a quest to know who and what she

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