Women During Ww2 Essay

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During WWII millions of men where taken away, one thing not everybody knows it that women too. The Nazi’s targeted both and most of the time women where subjected. One interesting fact is that it didn’t matter if they where Jews or non-Jews, they were tortured and killed, this was more of a gender inequality. Gypsy, Polish and disabled women where also affected by Nazis, various concentration camps where only for women. Ravensburk was the biggest Nazi concentration camp established. Thousands of them where tortured and suffered in this camp, but when the Soviets liberated Ravensburk, the SS created a concentration camp known as Auschwitz II, for female prisoners. The first women that where transferred to Auschwitz II came from Ravensburk. Bergen Belsen was created by the authorities in 1944 and thousands of Jewish women that from Auschwitz II and Ravensburk spent the last year of WWII in Bergen Belsen. …show more content…

The women that were Orthodox Jews with children had a different way of dressing up and were more vulnerable to discovery in hiding. Another thing that made a large target for the Nazis where women that had a large number of children in their Orthodox family. The Non-Jewish women were also affected, Nazis committed mass murder of women from Roma at Auschwitz. In concentration camps, German authorities obligated women to work under physical jobs that killed them. Jewish and Gypsy women where also used for sterilization experiments and unethical human experimentation. Most of the time, women where raped. When a Jew women was pregnant, they had to make abortions and sent to give birth to places that where not appropriate. The Germans, created brothels in some concentration camps and they ran 500 brothels for soldiers, in these women where forced to

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