Without Struggle There Is No Progression

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Frederick Douglass once said, “without struggle, there is no progress.” In other words, without a forceful push on our abilities, mentally, physically, and emotionally, we will not grow. Knowing that I only have one life to live and am given the responsibility to nurture and grow myself as an individual, I try my best to embrace this quote. However, a key part of this quote takes a lot of effort to joyfully embrace, it is the word ”struggle”. I’ve only had a few years of experience in this lifetime and yet I feel like I have already experienced the true meaning of the word struggle. Being a young woman who plans to pursue a career in the medical field, such as cardiothoracic surgery, as well as a degree in early childhood education, I know I have a lot more obstacles ahead of me. I chose to be a cardiothoracic surgeon because I want a career that I can work kinesthetically and visually in each day. I want to be actively networking and communicating with people in person, but do not want that to be my main priority throughout the day. I also know my purpose in life is to be a helping hand to others but at the same time being a helping hand without taking attention to myself; meaning helping them in anyway possible without expecting a reward back and without pride in my own abilities, but joy in the fact that the person’s well being has improved.

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