Winston's Curiosity

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The main character in the book 1984 was Winston, a character who showed many different qualities throughout the book. Winston showed qualities that included being daring, curious, and rebellious. His daring qualities showed when he wrote in his diary to commit thoughtcrime. Curiosity was show when Winston was wondered about the past and how the past has been changed. When O’Brien shut off his telescreen, Winston got very curious because he did not know that the telescreen could be shut off. A third quality Winston showed was being rebellious. His rebellious qualities showed when he took measures that were disbelieved by the Party. Even though Winston showed many qualities throughout the book, the strongest qualities he showed was being daring, curious and rebellious. In the book 1984, Winston was a character who was very daring. He was daring when he was writing his diary, “His pen had slid voluptuously over the smooth paper, printing in large neat capitals- DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER over and over again, filling half a page” (Orwell 19). Writing in a diary was known as a way of thought crime, and if caught, Winston could be arrested. Winston also proved he was daring when he joined the Brotherhood. To join the Brotherhood, Winston talked to O’Brien, “We believe that there is some kind of conspiracy, some kind of secret organization working against the Party….” (Orwell 174). Joining the Brotherhood was very daring because he could get caught for rebelling against the government. When Winston was in Room 101, he was daring because he was saying what he believed was true and not what the Party thought was right. O’Brien asked Winston, “And if the P... ... middle of paper ... ...ecause Winston said he was against everything the Party believed in. Winston showed he was rebellious in the book because he owned a diary, had affairs with Julia, and he joined the Brotherhood. In 1984, Winston was a character who showed many qualities but the strongest qualities that were shown were curiosity, being daring and rebellious. Daring qualities were shown by Winston when he wrote in his diary. Writing in his diary was daring because he was committing thoughtcrime, which could result in punishment. Winston was curious when O’Brien shut off the telescreen. His curiosity led him to ask O’Brien about why he could shut the telescreen off. Rebellious qualities were shown by Winston when he wanted to join the Brotherhood. Even though the strongest qualities Winston showed were curiosity, being daring, and rebellious; Winston still had many different qualities.

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