Winery Persuasive Speech

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“How’s the steak,” William asked. “A little well-done for my taste, but ok,” Mary said. “I need to talk to you about something.” “Uh-oh, that sounds ominous,” William said. “What’s up?” “I know what’s going on out at the winery, and I’m not happy about it. I never gave my blessing for a distillery. I looked the other way when they started making hard cider in the cider mill, and I agreed to let them plant the vineyard and open a winery, it’s a money-maker for sure, but I’m not at all comfortable with them producing vodka. I never consented to hard alcohol. I understand you gave permission, did you think about talking to me about it first?” “We grow the potatoes, it’s farm-produced. I thought our rule was that anything homegrown was permissible. This is just another Blue Hills product. I figured you wouldn’t mind. Besides, it’s a small still, nothing substantial. I don’t see us moving into a commercial line anytime soon.” “That’s even worse. If it’s only for community consumption, we’re going to end up with a farm full of drunkards.” “What’s a drunkard?” Susan asked. …show more content…

Unlike much of the world, whose evolution arose from the history of men who engaged in repeated civil war and tribal conflict, America’s evolution is a journey of ideas, founded on the principles and belief in natural order and natural rights. This is the basis for American exceptionalism. Today, we strive to enshrine those God-given rights into the document that forever frames the destiny of our nation. As a philosophical development, America is framed by the belief that our Constitution is a reflection of human nature, and God-given rights. In this framework, the individual must be placed at the center of all power; personal autonomy, equality, the belief that the governed must give their consent to be governed, and the need for governance to be limited in scope; these are the core values that are the basis of American

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